NOMADS Rules and Event Formats

  1. Nomads follow Highly modified USGA rules of golf with the following modifications:
  2. Lost Ball is played as being in a lateral hazard and a charge of 1 stroke.
  3. Ball out of bounds played as a lateral hazard and a charge of 1 stroke.
  4. Ball may be moved off roots, rocks, and hardpan to nearest point of relief without penalty, if it is not in a hazard.
  5. Ball may be moved 1 club length no nearer the hole throughout the course as long as it is not in a hazard
  6. Putts may be given as long as it is within the length of a normal size putter.
  7. Max gross score in all events is a double bogey for handicap purposes.
  8. Max gross score for team scoring is par plus your strokes for that hole.
  9. A Mulligan is allowed once for each player anywhere at any time on any shot including putts.
  10. A provisional mulligan may be called, but if your first shot is in play it must be played and you keep the mulligan for later use.
  11. Remember we are not playing in the US Open so you can be a little more generous in your rules determination.
  12. In determining what is the proper rule think What Would Charlie DO.
  13. Finally remember this is not our job we are here to have fun and enjoy each others company Laugh a Lot.

NOMADS Event Formats

The NOMADS play 6 different formats they are:

  1. Team Net 2 Best Ball played with either 2 or 4 man teams
  2. Team Points played with either 2 or 4 man teams
  3. Captains Choice always with 4 man teams
  4. Flighted Future release
  5. Individual Net Strokes
  6. Individual Points Future release

Team Net 2 Best Ball

This is played as a 4 man team.

For a 4 man team each player on the team is assigned a handicap witch the website maintains and the number of strokes he is entitled. Strokes are assigned by taking the players handicap and subtracting the lowest handicap of all players that day. Each player will then be given a stroke off on each hole where the mens handicap is equal to or less than the number of strokes assigned. The team score is determined by summing the 2 best net scores for each hole. The max score on all holes is a double bogey and you may pick up after the bogey has been missed unless you are stroking on the hole and a net bogey would be counted towards the team score the double bogey putt or shot must be made. The gross score for the player would still be scored as a double bogey if he misses the double bogey shot. If there are only 3 players on a team the 666 rule applies for scoring. This says that the lowest handicaper or the "A" player ball on holes numbered 1 through 6 would count twice, "B" players score would count twice on holes numbered 7 through 12 and the "C" player score would count twice on holes 13 through 18. The score keeper for the group should post all players Gross score for each player as well as the number of birdies eagles and hole in ones. A team score should be kept as well.

For a 2 man team each player will be given his handicap for the day. The team score will calculated as the sum of the 2 gross scores minus their handicaps or their net score. The max score is a double bogey for each player and there are no strokes. The score keeper only needs to keep track of the gross score and birdies eagles and hole in ones for each player.

Team Points

This is played either as a 4 man team or 2 man team.

For a 4 man team match each player is assigned a target point score. This target is calculated as 36 minus the players handicap. points are calculated on each hole by the gross score on that hole for each player. Points for the hole are assigned as follows:

Each players score for the round will be the sum of points made minus his target points needed. The team score will be the sum of the players individual scores. If you happen to be on a team with only three players there is no blind draw your team will have a lower sum of points they will need make. The score keeper need only keep track of points no gross score is needed. He will also have to keep track of birdies,eagles and hole in ones for each player.

For a 2 man team match the same rules apply as in a 4 man team match. The only difference is if there is an odd number of players one team will be short a partner. If that is the case a blind draw will be made with a player randomly selected score will be used for team that is one short.

Captains Choice

This is always a 4 man event

This event there are no handicaps or strokes or points. Each player will tee off and the captain will choose which shot to play. The other players will pick up their ball and move to the chosen shot. They will all take their shot and the captain will choose the best shot again. This continues until one of two conditions happens on each hole. The shot is made or they missed the birdie shot. This is called par is your friend The sum of all shots should never be more than par. The score keeper should report how many shots under par the team is.

Flighted Future release

This is an individual net score per flight event

In this event format flights are created based on handicap. Each flight tries to maintain a handicap difference of no more than 5 or 6 and flight size of no more than 30% of the field. This usually generates 4 flights. There are two divisions a low gross and low net prizes you cannot win money in both division. The score keeper just needs to keep track of gross score of each player with no more than a double bogey posted.

Individual Net Strokes

This is a non team event.

This event is similar to the Flighted event. The only difference is everybody is in one flight. Your score is the gross score minus your handicap. The score keeper should post only the gross score for each player and keep track of birdies eagles and hole in ones for each player.

Individual Points Future release

This is a non team event.

This event is similar to the Individual Net stroke event. Everybody is in one flight and your score is based on the points system listed in the Team Points format. That is your score is calculated base total points made minus your target point amount. The score keeper should post only the point for each hole for each player and keep track of birdies eagles and hole in ones for each player.